Summer Camp 2019 – Charles Howitt

Ages: Ages 4-12 Duration: Weekly Next Start Date: Aug 12th Time: 9 AM to 4 PM

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Summer Camp 2019
Camp Policies
Adventure Camp
Lego ArchiTECH
Lego Robotics

Welcome to our Summer camp! The camp features a variety of sports and activities options to choose from: Soccer, Basketball, Dance and Martial Arts, and many many more. Keep your children active, focused, and having fun during the March Break in 2019!

The TAC Advantage:

  • Unique Mix and Match options: Students ages 6 to 12 can choose 1 sport per half day, and 2 sports per week. Students can mix and match their sports and activities and choose to create the fun-filled week they want to create. Students ages 4-5 will be part of our amazing Adventure Camp.
  • Broad Age and Gender Focus: Our camps are perfect for the whole family, offering options for students ages 4-12 and perfect options for both boys and girls!
  • Skill Assessment: Skill level is assessed on the first day and campers are associated accordingly.
  • Knowledge of levels and skills: Students are placed into the appropriate level out of 5 skill levels, as according to our 5 Star Development plan. Students learn what they need to do to achieve the next level of skill.

Program Overview:

  • Dynamic Camp Experience: Our camps focus on fun training and development, mixed with frequent game-play, to create a varied and dynamic week of camp.
  • Life Skills and Confidence: We focus on developing good habits, nurturing a positive sports mentality and building great moral character and leadership.
  • Progress Tracking: Students are tracked on their progress throughout the week through our student handbooks. Students receive a thorough and detailed online progress report at the end of the week.

Camp Package: 

  • TAC T-shirt
  • Progress Report
  • Fun Group Photos


  • Charles Howitt (Richmond Hill) – 16th Ave and Yonge St
    • Prices:
      • Activity Specific (Ages 6 to 12)
        • $339 + HST (Full Day)
        • $220.35 (Half Day)
      • Adventure Camp (Ages 4 to 5)
        • $379 + HST (Full Day),
        • $246.35 (Half Day)
    • Available Activities
      • Adventure Camp (AM/PM/Full Day)
      • Soccer (AM/PM/Full Day)
      • Basketball (AM/PM/Full Day)
      • LSA Lego Robotics (AM) +$50 HST
      • LSA Lego ArchiTECH (AM) +$50 + HST

Camp Policies


Cancellation Policy

Cancellations that are received 30 days prior to the beginning of the program will be provided a refund less a 10% administrative fee.

Cancellations that are received with less than 30 days of notice prior to the beginning of the program will be provided with a refund less a 50% administrative fee.

Cancellations that are received with less than 3 days of notice prior to the beginning of the program will not be eligible for a refund.


Individual camp days missed for any reason cannot be refunded or credited

In the case of exceptional illness, that results in three consecutive missed days or more, a 50% refund or 100% credit will be provided. A signed doctor’s note must be provided in these circumstances.

*If a cancellation is requested with less then 48 hrs since the time of registration, only the 10% cancellation fee will apply.


Lunch Program

All our camps are peanut free, our caterers are peanut free as well (St. Joseph Morrow Park – Peanut Controlled Kitchen). We are happy cater to any specific allergies and dietary restrictions.

All full day, full week registrants will be included in the lunch program. This provides the camper with a morning snack, lunch, and an afternoon snack. **To be eligible for lunch, a full-day camper must be registered for 4 days or more. Registrations of three days or less per week will not be provided with lunch. Registrants of this nature will still receive a snack.

Half day registrants will receive one snack.

It is highly recommended that extra snacks are packed.

Any last minute registrations (registrations done 72 Hrs prior to the start of the week of camp) that require an alternative meal (Dietary restriction or Allergy), although we will try our very best to accommodate this meal, cannot be guaranteed.

Any registrations that previously were not eligible for a meal (Registrations with 3 days or less per week) that add an additional day to camp cannot be guaranteed a lunch.


Prorated Fees

Drop-in registrants, who are going to attend less than 5 days per week, are eligible for pro-rated pricing on premium programs (biking and robotics) and before/after care. If required, please call the office at 416-627-1092.


Discounts and Coupons

TAC Sports is very happy to offer many different types of discounts and coupons to the community. Multiple week discounts will be applied automatically to the invoice, as well as the sibling discount for the second child, third, and so forth registered.

**The multiple week discount and sibling discount will not be applied to any drop-in sessions, only to full session registrations.**

Coupons are a one time use ONLY and cannot be applied multiple times per account. If the same coupon is found to be used multiple times TAC Sports holds the right to invoice the account owner for the amount of the extra coupons.


Changing Sports Policy

Children who do not choose a sport during registration will automatically be added to multisport.

Athletes can choose to switch their chosen sport on the second day of camp (subject to availability and capacity). However, campers must remain in their selection for the remainder of the week and are unable to make a change in the sport beyond the second day of camp.


Cancellation of Programs/Sports

Specialized programs and sports require a minimum of 5 students in order to function as designed. If the minimum number of registrations for a specific program is not met, said the program may be cancelled anytime the week before the camp is to start. TAC Sports will provide as much notice as possible about the cancellation of the program, however, this may be on the Friday before the start of the program. A refund for any program with additional fees that have been cancelled will be provided but if requested to cancel the full week of camp the camp cancellation fees will apply.


Bullying Policy

Bullying will not be tolerated at any TAC Sports program. In general, a “three strikes” policy is followed. After the first incident, a coach will address the situation with both the aggressor and victim. During a private meeting with the aggressor, the coach will explain the consequences of bullying. The parents of both parties will be notified. An incident report will be drafted and sent to head office. This procedure is followed should a second incident occur. In addition, the aggressor may be separated from the group or put into a different sport/activity (additional fees for specialized programs will apply). If a third incident should occur, the aggressor will be expelled from camp, not only for the duration of the program but from any other TAC Sports program in the future. Cases of extreme bullying are not subject to the three strike rule. If it is proven that there was intent to seriously harm another child through physical or verbal means the aggressor will face expulsion from camp. His or her parents will be called for immediate pickup (refund for remaining days ONLY will apply).

Please click HERE to find out more about what bullying is.



TAC Sports will not be held accountable for any tickets/parking tickets received.

TAC Sports will provide parking passes for the Glendon location. This parking pass will allow parents and guardians to park in the designated parking lot for 30 mins during pick up and drop off. Until parents receive this parking pass it is highly recommended to purchase a parking stub/feed the parking meter. Do not park in or near the handicap parking spots, unless with the appropriate handicap permit, a $400 parking ticket will be given. TAC sports will not be held accountable for any parking tickets.


Rainy Day Policy

Our coaches and coordinators are equipped with a rainy day schedule in the event of inclement weather. Students will remain in their sport-specific groups. Coaches will adapt their lesson plans for the indoor space.  Each sport will have a designated time slot in the gym which will rotate through each sport, when not in the gym, coaches will have an in-class lesson plan prepared. No refund or credit for rainy days will apply.



Every TAC Sports coach holds a current CPR and First Aid Training certification. All instructors are certified by NCCP (National Certification Program of Canada) and follow safe teaching methods with proper sequential instruction. Our 5 star development levels ensure that students are progressing at a pace that is appropriate for their current ability. All activities are supervised and our low instructor to student ratio ensures maximum attention.


Emergency List

We keep emergency contact information at every location, with records on medical history or allergies. We identify, treat, report and record any occurrence of injury in a systematic way on our written injury sheet and keep up-to-date safety records of each camper.



We require a photo of any child with a history of serious allergy or medical concerns. Please email [email protected] with a photo of your child. Please ensure the picture includes a clear view of your child’s face. If a child requires an Epi-Pen please ensure to provide the camp coordinator with the Epi-Pen, this will be returned at the end of each day or at the end of the week of camp.


Sign/Out System

At TAC Sports, we have a proven and safe system in place for the sign-out of campers. No camper leaves the premises without a parent or guardian signing them out. Parents are required to show official identification every day upon pickup of their children and have to be on the list.

TAC Sports is not liable for any children until they are signed into our care by the parent or guardian or other authorized person listed on the authorization list.


Lost and Found Items

Each location has its own Lost and Found Bin. All items found by the coordinator and coaches will be placed in this bin. At the end of the camp and items not claimed will be donated to a charitable organization. It is highly recommended that the child’s full name is placed on all personal items.

TAC Sports is not held accountable for any lost items, including but not limited to clothing articles, electronics, water bottles etc.


First Aid Materials

Fully Stocked First Aid Kits and ice packs are available at all times at all camp locations.



Please find a daily summer camp schedule below. Please note that this schedule is a guideline and the timing of events is subject to change.

7:30 AM – 9:00 AM: Before Care Option

8:45 AM: Half Day AM and Full Day Sign-In

9:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Morning Session

11:50 AM – 12:00 PM: Half Day AM Sign-Out

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: Lunch

12:45 PM – 1:00 PM: Half Day PM Sign in

1:00 PM – 4:00 PM: Afternoon Session

4:00 PM – 4:15 PM: Half Day PM and Full-Day Sign-Out

4:00 PM – 6:00 PM: After Care Option

TAC Adventure 

TAC Adventure is a FULL DAY program (with a HALF DAY option) for ages 3.5-6.

The weekly activities include activities such as arts and crafts, story time, camp songs, low organizational games (where campers learn fundamental movement skills), and scavenger hunts that are stimulating for young minds, fostering creativity and imagination, and more importantly develops both literacy and physical literacy.

Furthermore, this program includes engaging activities such as yoga to promote flexibility and mindfulness, dance sessions, and creative movement to develop motor skills and self-expression. Additionally, children will participate in hands-on STEM activities that introduce basic concepts in science and technology, sparking curiosity and problem-solving skills.


“Physical literacy is just as important as the ability to read and write. The most important step toward developing physical literacy is mastering fundamental movement skills.”


TAC Basketball

Our TAC Basketball camp program is designed for all skill levels; from the introduction of the fundamentals of basketball to the refinement of the most advanced techniques.

Students work on basic techniques such as ball handling, shooting, passing, defense, footwork, positioning, strategy. Students work on skill building, playing games and working on their skills through practice and repetition. Advanced students will learn positioning, strategy, and have specific feedback on improving their fundamental techniques.

We apply the 5-Star TAC Basketball Development System to all of our programs. The 5-Star basketball Development System gives students 5 measurable levels to achieve with specific criteria outlined. This is specifically designed to increase motivation, knowledge retention, goal-setting skills, and development. This is a unique and distinguishing factor of our camps.

Mega Star Learning®
Mega Star Learning® is the form of learning implemented in all of our sports camps. Lesson plans are structured to provide one drill followed by a short segment of gameplay with an emphasis on the skill learned in the drill. This sequence is repeated continuously throughout the day. Mega Star Learning is a perfect mix of skill building and having fun! This strategy maximizes concentration, willingness to learn new skills and retention of the learned material.

TAC Dance – Hip Hop and Jazz

TAC Sports dance combines the fundamental skills and progressions of contemporary dances of hip-hop and jazz. 

The main aspects of each dance are covered. Fun choreographed dances are done with a performance at the end of sessions! Parents can order a copy of the choreographed videos at the end of the session to be delivered by email!

We apply the 5-Star TAC Development System to all of our programs. The 5-Star Dance Development System gives students 5 measurable levels to achieve with specific criteria outlined. This is specifically designed to increase motivation, knowledge retention, goal-setting skills and development. This is a unique and distinguishing factor of our camps.


TAC Gymnastics

Overview & Purpose

Our exciting gymnastics camp program is designed for students to learn and perfect gymnastics skills. During the program, students engage in the fundamental movements of jumping, turning, balancing, floor exercises, posture, and balance. Our 5 Star Development System, which includes a step-by-step system with a full map of skills, is designed to help students understand exactly what skills they need to learn while being motivated to achieve the next level.

Key Areas of Focus 

  1. Log Roll
  2. Two-foot Landing
  3. Balance Bases
  4. Forward Roll
  5. Jump Turn
  6. Swaying Motions
  7. Propulsion
  8. Pushing and Pulling
  9. Balancing (low balance: walk, gallop and slide; high balance beam: walk and jump off)


It is expected that students will:

  1. Demonstrate basic gymnastics skills in a circuit or in simple routines found in standard gymnastics routines;
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of motions that influence propulsion and balance;
  3. Demonstrate care and cooperation during activities;
  4. Regardless of skill, come out with an extremely positive, developed self-confidence and self-image.



LSA Lego ArchiTECH

The Lifetime Skills Academy (LSA) Lego ArchiTECH Camp program is our intro robotics program. Students work with the We-Do Lego kits and learn how to:

  • Gain intuition on how to build basic simple structures
  • Learn the basics behind programming motors
  • Learn to principles behind ultrasonic sensors
  • Building and understanding robot design with advanced mechanics
  • Develop advanced skills with WeDo programming

Students learn different projects like building cars, helicopters and more, and early programming skills. Students program using easy to use tablets on the Lego We-Do software. It’s a perfect start to the more complex programming in Lego Robotics.

Each day students will be taking part in different themed challenges, from building the most creative robot to robot war competitions to obstacle course challenges.


LSA Lego Robotics

TAC Lego Robotics program allows students to engage in various technological activities that are growing popular in today’s youth. The students enjoy building their robots, as well as programming them. By learning the basics, and building their way up, individuals can achieve mastery and demonstrate competence.

Students start with the basic skills, such as building a simple robot, programming different motions, and using the various sensors to make a robot move. Once learned, students can go above and beyond, making robots that can pick up items, sense when people are near, and even solve Rubik’s Cubes.

Our lunch Program

We have started an amazing and delicious lunch initiative to teach children healthy eating habits and healthy food choices so they can grow into strong athletes. All of the meals are peanut and tree nut free and avoid any artificial preservatives, artificial food colouring, and artificial flavouring and GMO products.

**We cater to specific allergies and diets.**

Below is an example of our summer camp menu from last year, all future camps will have similar menus.


Please note there are no lunch services for the following camps:

  • Holiday Camp – December 24th and 31st ONLY
  • P.A. Day Camps

TAC Soccer

Our TAC Soccer program is designed for all skill levels; ranging from the fundamentals to the refinement of the most advanced techniques. Programming focuses on individual skills and on increasing children’s self-confidence. Programming consists of fun skill games, soccer matches, and thorough practices.

Students start with basic techniques such as dribbling, passing and shooting, and move towards advanced techniques such as strategy, 1v1 dribbling, and positioning. Further skills are also developed such as (ball control, ball possession, tackling, positional sense, guarding the ball, and support play. Specialized training for goalkeepers is provided at more advanced levels.

We apply the 5-Star TAC Soccer Development System to all of our soccer programs. This system gives students 5 measurable levels to achieve with specific criteria outlined. It is specifically designed to increase motivation, knowledge retention, goal-setting skills, and development. This system is unique and distinguishes TAC Sports from other camps.

Students that progress to an advanced level may be invited to tryout for our competitive soccer teams. 

Mega Star Learning®
Mega Star Learning® is implemented in all of our sports camps. Lesson plans are structured to provide one drill followed by a short segment of gameplay with an emphasis on the skill learned in the drill. This sequence is repeated continuously throughout the day. Mega Star Learning is a perfect mix between skill building and having fun! This strategy maximizes concentration, willingness to learn new skills and retention of the learned material.